You have found the alternate ending, enjoy! Sir, Godot will be here tomorrow. The chest is empty! The chest contains the Mightiest Force of all: the Mantra of Force itself! Within the chest is the Earth Mantra itself! This town is filled with evil people! Your master, the Ambassador, is Balther. You must destroy him with Magic! Are you a fellow servant of Balther? No? You shall die! Within the chest lies the fourth Mantra: the Mantra of Air! The sign says: Leave this dungeon at once or be destroyed. The sign says: Only heavenly power shall remove these gates. The sign says: North: Castle Blednock. West: Town of Northington. Southwest: Palah Tower The sign says: West: Castle Blednock, Town of Northington. South: Celsior Desert The sign says: Path out to Forest of Death Balther is Evil! Balther is Evil! The Ambassador left a note for you. Have you visited Seawind yet? The potion maker works down here. Yo! The Giant gaurding the way to the desert wears fire-resistant armor. When in Rome… A magic barrier keeps the monsters from invading our town. Welcome to the town of Sylvanus. The Ambassador left some things for you. The sign says: North: Castle Blednock South: Oasis Town The sign says: Have identification ready for inspection by sentry. The sign says: West: Celsior Desert Beware of Fire Beetles! The sign says: South: Forest of Death, Castle Blednock Want to go to Flan? Step right here! This is incredible! The chest contains the secret of the Water Mantra! There are no good towns North of here. The Magic Armor is hidden in Balther’s maze. Rid the land of Balther! The Ambassador is getting impatient. They say that the Sword of the Gods was hidden in the great labyrinth in Balther’s castle. Balther is invincible! Welcome to Oasis Town. How’re you doing ol’ buddy? There, in the chest, you find a message from your master, the Ambassador! I’m Bankrupt! Kill me! I hate Mondays! Welcome to Seawind, Jewel City of the sea. Please help our town. Kill Balther, and liberate the land! I'm broke! Go away! The way to the desert is gaurded by a fearsome giant. Would you like a ride on my boat? Our town is dying because of Balther’s taxes. If we cannot trade, we cannot survive! The evil tyrant Balther lives in Castle Blednock, to the West of here. Hey! you get me for a small extra fee. . . Thank you for killing off the evil monsters. Please help our village! The monsters in the cave attack us continually. This is the merchant’s house. Some boulders can be pushed. Godot is coming. Please wait. Eyeball Demons cannot be killed: they must be exorcised. Balther has magical powers. The Mantras are the keys to power. We don’t need no stinking badgers! Are you Saric? The Ambassador sent a message: please meet him in the town of Seawind: he needs you to do a job for him. Hello, and welcome to the fair village of Poldam! The sign says: The gateway to the barrens shall stand against all but the force of Earth. The sign says: South: Town of Poldam North: Town of Seawind The sign says: West: Forest of Death, Castle Blednock. East: Town of Poldam, Town of Seawind You gape in awe as you lift the scroll containing the Fire Mantra out of the chest! The sign says: Do not go further on pain of death. The sign says: All sane men proceed no further! The sign says: Beware Travelers! Danger ahead! The sign says: Go North to get to the town of Flan. The monster in the Southwest caves stole the key to the North Pass. Will you please get it back for us? Water replenishes the body. Good things are found behind closed doors. The evil tyrant Balther lives to the North. Once in a while I’m in the mood for some ice cream! The city elder is in his house. You have found an item: There are five Mantras: Fire, Earth, Water, Air, and Force. It is said that the posessor can control the very fabric of the universe. Take this dagger and find help… (And with that the man died) Save us from the monsters. Welcome to the town of Flan.